This project is a submission for the LiquidHacks 2020 hackathon!

"Blue Loves You" is our text-based game submission for LiquidHacks 2020. The game is a simple combination of visual novel basics with an approach towards health and wellness, as the player and Team Liquid's mascot Blue chat and do some self-care exercises together.

Simply left-click the indicated buttons on the screen to follow through the text-based game experience (the "next" button will take you through various phrases of Blue's speech).

NOTE: There's also a hidden button with an easter egg somewhere in the game... click around to find it!

Thank you so much for checking out our hackathon submission! Although our group did not qualify for the beginner category, we were all very inexperienced with non-game software development practices. Though "Blue Loves You" was not our original plan for the hackathon, we were happy to be able to put something together for this very incredible opportunity, and we hope you enjoy our game!

Game Engine --Unity
Art -- Adobe Photoshop
Music -- BeepBox

@anntokki - art, game design, narrative writing
@kryndir - programming, narrative writing, music / sfx
@bubbylo - game design, ui/ux, leadership & organization

Game background art by:

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